Pushkin, "Предчувствие"

A work ("Premonition") by this Russian poet. You can read the original here.
Above me met the clouds anew,
In silence breeding envious woe.
That hour will torture me, I know,
If I a threat therein construe.
Does second sight betoken fate?
Should I embrace this vast design
With patience and tenacious brine,
My prideful youth's far-flung estate?
Fatigued am I of restless life,
Indifferent to the roaring storm:
Perhaps I can be saved and borne
To safest pier away from strife ...
Yet premonitions of our end,
A thankless and most dreaded chime,
Lead me to hurry one last time,
And squeeze, my angel, your white hand.
Serene and gentle angel mine,
Forgive me now and speak but soft:
So sad's your tender gaze aloft
That you must hold or fast decline.
Your memories my own shall glaze,
And fill my weary soul with force,
With pride, with inspiration's course,
And bravery of younger days.
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