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Verlaine, "Ô triste, triste était mon âme"

One of this poet's most famous poems ("O sad, so sad my soul").  You can read the original here.

O sad, so sad my soul,                                   
Because a woman, a woman stole.

My mind I cannot allay,
Although my heart is far away.

Although my heart, although my soul,              
Are far from her control.

My mind I cannot allay,
Although my heart is far away.

And my heart, so black and blue,                
Says to my soul: Can this be true?

Can this be true, could this be true?
This pride anew, this grief anew?

And my soul says to my heart: Lo!
What traps fate brings, I do not know.

At once in love and grief to sway,
Although we both are far away.

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