Borges, "Ausencia"

A work ("Absence") by this Argentine. You can read the original here.
Life's vastness I will have to praise,
Vast life which forms your mirror pane:
With each dawn reconstructed life.
Since you left me and went away,
So many places have seemed vain,
Bereft of meaning, yet alike
To day's long beams of humdrum light.
Those eves which were your carven niche,
Those melodies which always held
Me there, words of that time awake,
With my hands I will have to break.
Where deeply will I hide my soul
So that your absence it won't see,
That terrible, unsetting sun,
Aflame for harsh eternity?
Your absence so surrounds me whole,
Just like a rope upon my throat,
The sea in which we sink, and choke.
bré de levantar la vasta vida
que aún ahora es tu espejo:
cada mañana habré de reconstruirla.
Desde que te alejaste,
cuántos lugares se han tornado vanos
y sin sentido, iguales
a luces en el día.
Tardes que fueron nicho de tu imagen,
músicas en que siempre me aguardabas,
palabras de aquel tiempo,
yo tendré que quebrarlas con mis manos.
¿En qué hondonada esconderé mi alma
para que no vea tu ausencia
que como un sol terrible, sin ocaso,
brilla definitiva y despiadada?
Tu ausencia me rodea
como la cuerda a la garganta,
el mar al que se hunde.
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