Mallarmé, "Renouveau"

A work ("Spring-tide") by this French poet. You can read the original here.
Serene-arted winter, lucid in its squall,
The morbid spring has sadly chased away;
Yet in my blood, still bleakness holds its sway,
As impotence into long yawns will sprawl.
Like coronals atop an old sad grave,
White crepuscules above my skull grow warm;
Whilst I through vague and lovely dreams roam on ,
Through sap-strewn fields immense which prance and rave.
Rankl'd, weary from the tree-borne scents, I swoon,
And with my face, so dig my dream a pit,
And bite warm earth that feeds the lilacs' bloom;
I sink in hope that this ennui will quit ...
The Azure laughs now at the waking hedge,
And flower'd birds chirp at the sunlight's edge.
Mallarmé in
French literature and film,

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