Goethe, "Nähe des Geliebten"

A work ("The lover's closeness") by this German man of letters. You can read the original here.
Of you I think beneath the sun's sweet wrath
On sea-kissed rays;
Of you I think as moonlight paints its path
In brightest maze.
'Tis you I see upon the dust-blurred road,
That distant shape;
When in deep night, upon a bridge's folds,
A wand'rer shakes.
'Tis you I hear as softest rustles jut
In rising wave;
When in still copse I listen and find but
A silent grave.
However far, my soul you still have grazed –
To me so near!
The sinking sun retreats as starlight stays –
Were you but here!
Goethe in
German literature and film,

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