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Akhmatova, "Годовщину последнюю празднуй"

A work ("Our anniversary we'll mark") by this Russian poet.  You can read the original here.

Our anniversary we'll mark – 
Our last; today, you know, was then:  
That snowy night of diamond spark,   
Of our first winter's sweet content.   

Imperial stables give off steam,
In darkness sinks the Moyka's flow, 
The stifling sky spites moonlight dreams,    
And where we're destined I can't know.

Between grandpa's and grandson's tombs, 
A weed-strewn garden so unfurls. 
As prison's madness nearby looms,  
Funereally the lanterns burn.

The Martian Field in icebergs shines,  
Lebyazhii nests in crystals clear. 
Whose lot can then compare to mine,
If in his heart are joy and fear?

And like that wondrous bird in flight, 
Your quiv'ring voice my shoulder charms.  
And, heated by the sudden light,
The snowy ash turns silvery warm.

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